REST API Reference

Cache Information

Get the maximum number of allowed encounters in a cache

GET /maxEncounters/{cacheName}

Get the maximum number of allowed encounters in a cache

Get the maximum number of allowed encounters given the cache name

  • cacheName (string) –
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain


500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."

Get the list of enrolled encounter IDs in a cache

GET /encounterList/{cacheName}

Get the list of enrolled encounter IDs in a cache

Get the list of enrolled encounter IDs given the cache name

  • cacheName (string) –
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

array of string

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain


500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."


Add multiple encounters to a cache at once

POST /addBatch/{cacheName}

Add multiple encounters to a cache at once

Add multiple encounter templates to the given cache at once

  • cacheName (string) – the name of the cache

Request schema:

Name Type Description
  array of objects  
   encounter encounter  

Example request:

POST /addBatch/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

        "encounter": {
            "import": "<base64 encoded voice template>",
            "id": "encounter01"
        "encounter": {
            "import": "<base64 encoded voice template>",
            "id": "encounter02"
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
  array of objects  
   id string Encounter id added

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

        "id": "encounter01"
        "id": "encounter02"

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."

Delete an encounter from a cache

POST /delete/{cacheName}

Delete an encounter from a cache

Delete an encounter from a given cache

  • cacheName (string) – the name of the cache

Request schema:

Name Type Description
id string Encounter id to delete

Example request:

POST /delete/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "id": "encounter01"
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain


400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."

Empty a cache

POST /drop/{cacheName}

Empty a cache

Empty a given cache

  • cacheName (string) –
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
confirm integer  

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "confirm": 1

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."


Version of Knomi VoiceMatcher. Check if the server is alive.

GET /version

Version of Knomi VoiceMatcher. Check if the server is alive.

Returns the version of Knomi VoiceMatcher

Status Codes:

200 Response schema:


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

Aware NexaVoice Library, version x.x.x

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."


Identify a new encounter with all encounters enrolled in a cache

POST /identify/{cacheName}

Identify a new encounter with all encounters enrolled in a cache

Identify a new encounter with all encounters enrolled in a given cache

  • cacheName (string) –

Request schema:

Name Type Description
probe probe  
workflow workflow  
candidateListSize integer The number of candidates should be returned in the final candidate list

Example Request Voice Sample:

POST /identify/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "probe": {
        "voiceSamples": [
                "data": "<base64 encoded voice sample>",
                "voiceSampleType": "STATIC_PHRASE"
        "minVoiceLengthSeconds": 25
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [
    "candidateListSize": 10000

Example Request Template:

POST /identify/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "probe": {
        "import": "<base64 encoded voice template>"
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [
    "candidateListSize": 10000
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
candidateList (array of candidateList) List of candidates being identified
recordErrors (array of recordErrors) List of record errors

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "candidateList": [
            "id": "string",
            "score": 1.0,
            "scoreFmr": 1.0,
            "scorePercent": 1.0
    "recordErrors": [
            "id": "string",
            "error": "string"

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."

Identify a new encounter with selected encounters enrolled in a cache

POST /identifyPartial/{cacheName}

Identify a new encounter with selected encounters enrolled in a cache

Identify a new encounter with all encounters enrolled in a given cache

  • cacheName (string) –

Request schema:

Name Type Description
encounter encounter  
workflow workflow  
candidateListSize integer The number of candidates should be returned in the final candidate list
idList (array of string) The array of IDs to be used in the identify

Example Request Voice Sample:

POST /identifyPartial/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "probe": {
        "voiceSamples": [
                "data": "<base64 encoded voice sample>",
                "voiceSampleType": "TEXT_INDEPENDENT"
        "minVoiceLengthSeconds": 25
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [
    "candidateListSize": 10000,
    "idList": [

Example Request Template:

POST /identifyPartial/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "probe": {
        "import": "<base64 encoded voice template>"
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [
    "candidateListSize": 10000,
    "idList": [
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
candidateList (array of candidateList) List of candidates being identified
recordErrors (array of recordErrors) List of record errors

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "candidateList": [
            "id": "string",
            "score": 1.0,
            "scoreFmr": 1.0,
            "scorePercent": 1.0
    "recordErrors": [
            "id": "string",
            "error": "string"

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."


Generate the internal voice template

POST /export

Generate the internal voice template

Request schema:

Name Type Description
encounter object  
   voiceSamples (array of voiceSamples)  
   minVoiceLengthSeconds number  

Example request:

POST /export HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "encounter": {
        "voiceSamples": [
                "data": "<base64 encoded voice sample>",
                "voiceSampleType": "STATIC_PHRASE"
        "minVoiceLengthSeconds": 1.0
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "export": "<base64 encoded template>"

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."

Fuse matching scores from multiple modalities

POST /fuseScores

Fuse matching scores from multiple modalities

Fuse matching scores from multiple modalities

Request schema:

Name Type Description
scores (array of number) List of scores to fuse

Example request:

POST /fuseScores HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "scores": [
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
scoreFused number Fused score

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "scoreFused": 5.559590816497803

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."


1-to-1 matching given two voice samples

POST /compare

1-to-1 matching given two voice samples

Request schema:

Name Type Description
metadata metadata  
probe probe  
gallery gallery  
workflow workflow  

Example Request Voice Sample:

POST /compare HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "metadata": {
        "value": {
            "client_device_brand": "Apple",
            "client_device_model": "iPhone 8",
            "client_os_version": "11.0.3",
            "client_version": "KnomiSLive_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0_sdk_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0",
            "localization": "en-US",
            "programming_language_version": "Swift 4.1",
            "username": "test"
    "probe": {
        "voiceSamples": [
                "data": "<base64 encoded voice sample>",
                "voiceSampleType": "STATIC_PHRASE"
        "minVoiceLengthSeconds": 25
    "gallery": {
        "voiceSamples": [
                "data": "<base64 encoded voice sample>",
                "voiceSampleType": "STATIC_PHRASE"
        "minVoiceLengthSeconds": 25
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [

Example Request Template:

POST /compare HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "metadata": {
        "value": {
            "client_device_brand": "Apple",
            "client_device_model": "iPhone 8",
            "client_os_version": "11.0.3",
            "client_version": "KnomiSLive_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0_sdk_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0",
            "localization": "en-US",
            "programming_language_version": "Swift 4.1",
            "username": "test"
    "probe": {
        "import": "<base64 encoded voice template>"
    "gallery": {
        "import": "<base64 encoded voice template>"
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
score number Matching score
scorePercent number 0-100 representation of the score.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "score": 13.9989,
    "scorePercent": 98.02

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."

Verify against an encounter enrolled in the cache

POST /verify/{cacheName}

Verify against an encounter enrolled in the cache

  • cacheName (string) –

Request schema:

Name Type Description
metadata metadata  
probe probe  
workflow workflow  
id string Encounter ID in a cache to compare with the new encounter

Example Request Voice Sample:

POST /verify/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "probe": {
        "voiceSamples": [
                "data": "<base64 encoded voice sample>",
                "voiceSampleType": "TEXT_INDEPENDENT"
        "minVoiceLengthSeconds": 25
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [
    "id": "encounter01"

Example Request Template:

POST /verify/{cacheName} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "probe": {
        "import": "<base64 encoded voice template>"
    "workflow": {
        "comparator": {
            "algorithm": "V600",
            "voiceSampleType": [
    "id": "encounter01"
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
score number Matching score
scorePercent number 0-100 representation of the score.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "score": 13.9989,
    "scorePercent": 98.02

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
   description string error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "Request was not valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code
   description string Error description

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": 1015,
        "description": "The cache is full."

Structure Reference

addRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
metadata metadata  
encounter encounter  

addRequestTI Model Structure

Name Type Description
metadata metadata  
encounter encounter  

addResponse Model Structure

Name Type Description
id string Encounter ID added

addBatchRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
addBatchRequest (array of objects)  
   encounter encounter  

addBatchResponse Model Structure

Name Type Description
addBatchResponse (array of objects)  
   id string Encounter id added

deleteRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
id string Encounter id to delete

compareRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
metadata metadata  
probe probe  
gallery gallery  
workflow workflow  

verifyRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
metadata metadata  
probe probe  
workflow workflow  
id string Encounter ID in a cache to compare with the new encounter

verifyRequestTI Model Structure

Name Type Description
metadata metadata  
probe probe  
workflow workflow  
id string Encounter ID in a cache to compare with the new encounter

verifyResponse Model Structure

Name Type Description
score number Matching score
scorePercent number 0-100 representation of the score.

identifyRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
probe probe  
workflow workflow  
candidateListSize integer The number of candidates should be returned in the final candidate list

identifyResponse Model Structure

Name Type Description
candidateList (array of candidateList) List of candidates being identified
recordErrors (array of recordErrors) List of record errors

identifyPartialRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
encounter encounter  
workflow workflow  
candidateListSize integer The number of candidates should be returned in the final candidate list
idList (array of string) The array of IDs to be used in the identify

voiceComparator Model Structure

Voice comparator object

Name Type Description
comparator object Comparator
   algorithm string Matching algorithm Values: V600, V900
   voiceSampleTypes (array of string) Voice sample type

voiceSamples Model Structure

Voice samples

Name Type Description
voiceSamples (array of voiceSamples)  
minVoiceLengthSeconds number  

voiceSample Model Structure

Voice sample

Name Type Description
data string Base64 encoded voice sample
voiceSampleType string Voice sample type Values: STATIC_PHRASE

encounterTemplate Model Structure

Encounter template

Name Type Description
import string Base64 encoded template
id string Encounter id

encounterVoiceSamples Model Structure

Encounter object

Name Type Description
voiceSamples (array of voiceSamples) Voice samples
id string Encounter id
minVoiceLengthSeconds number  

identifyCandidate Model Structure

Name Type Description
id string The ID of a subject in a cache
score number Matching score comparing the submitted subject with the entry in a cache
scoreFmr number The score is used for special use cases.
scorePercent number 0-100 representation of the score.

identifyRecordError Model Structure

Name Type Description
id string ID for a subject
error string Error description with the subject

metadata Model Structure

metadata associated with the transaction

Name Type Description
username string Username associated with the transaction
client_device_brand string Client’s device brand
client_device_model string Client’s device model
client_os_version string Client’s os version
client_version string Client’s application version
localization string Client’s localization
programming_language_version string Client’s programming language version

400Error Model Structure

Name Type Description
code integer Error code Values: -1 (Unknown Error), -2 (Invalid Input JSON), -3 (Missing Mandatory Field), -4 (Field Has Wrong Type), -5 (Invalid Base64 String), -6 (Invalid Value)
description string error description

500Error Model Structure

Name Type Description
code integer Error code
description string Error description