Error Codes

A zero indicates successful completion and a non-zero value indicates an error.

Error Codes

Code Name / Description
0 No errors or warnings.
1 An internal error occurred.
2 The nexa_voice object was NULL.
3 The trial expiration has passed.
100 The library failed to allocate memory.
101 The nexa_voice object was not initialized.
102 The nexa_voice object was already initialized.
103 Worker count must be greater than or equal to 0.
104 32 bit and mobile systems only have enough memory for one worker.
105 Maximum encounters must be greater than 0 and less than 10000000.
107 This operation requires that an export callback is registered.
108 This operation requires that a compare result callback is registered.
109 This operation requires that a verify result callback is registered.
110 This operation requires that an identify result callback is registered.
111 The job name is already being used by an existing job.
112 The specified algorithm is not valid.
113 The specified algorithm is not enabled.
114 No algorithms were enabled.
115 Destroy has been called on this Nexa|Voice instance. No new tasks are accepted.
116 The specified voice sample type is not valid.
117 The specified voice sample type is not enabled.
118 No voice types were enabled.
119 The specified algorithm is already enabled.
120 A voice set must contain one or more voices.
121 The RAM cache type is not available on this platform.
122 This operation requires that a cache result callback is registered.
123 This operation requires that a cache result callback is registered.
125 The specified algorithm cannot be used in a partial identify.
200 Invalid encounter object.
201 The encounter is busy and cannot be modified.
202 Encounter has no image or template data.
203 Import encounter does not have all of the required data.
204 Encounter has no ID.
205 The imported template was invalid.
206 Encounter has no image or template data that can be used for this operation.
207 Invalid encounter ID.
240 Invalid candidate list object.
241 Candidate list size must be greater than 0.
260 Invalid compare result object.
280 Invalid identify result object.
300 Invalid workflow object.
301 This workflow has no comparator.
302 The algorithm is already present in the workflow. An algorithm can only be used once as either a filter or a comparator.
303 The fixed number used for a filter must be greater than 0.
304 The percentage used for a filter must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.0.
305 This comparator cannot be used in this workflow.
306 Filters are not allowed for this operation.
307 The workflow has no voices set to be used.
400 Invalid cache add batch object.
401 The cache add batch object is empty.
500 The input image is invalid.
600 The wav buffer was invalid and could not be parsed.
601 No voice was found in the audio sample.
602 The specified config data directory was not valid.
603 Not enough information was found to process the voice.
700 Invalid cache config object.
701 A cache with the same name is already in use.
702 A cache with the given name could not be found.
703 The cache config has no algorithms enabled.
1001 An internal cache error occurred.
1006 The ID already exists in the cache.
1007 The ID was not found in the cache.
1010 The cache is corrupted.
1011 The cache failed to perform an IO operation.
1012 The cache version on disk does not match the software version.
1013 The cache found is not a valid cache.
1014 The cache is empty.
1015 The cache is full.
1016 The cache reached the maximum number of client connections.
1017 The attempted cache operation was too large.
1018 The cache file was configured with flags incompatible with the current settings.
1019 The cache operation failed due to a permission error.
1020 Invalid cache path.
1021 The cache has too many open files.
1022 The cache file is too large.
1023 The disk has no free space remaining.
1024 The cache path was too long.
1025 A cache with algorithms stored in RAM cannot be on a remote drive.