
  • Cache: A collection of enrolled templates that are serialized to disk. These enrolled templates can be used for operations such as Identify and Verify.
  • Compare: An operation where two sets of biometrics are provided and a score is returned that indicates how similar they are.
  • Encounter: A single set of biometric data.
  • Identify: An operation where a probe is provided and a cache is searched for the candidates that are most similar to the probe. Each candidate is given a score that indicates how similar it is to the probe.
  • Probe: An encounter that is used in any comparison operation. The operations are Compare, Identify, and Verify.
  • Template: A binary representation of an analyzed biometric that can be used for matching.
  • Threshold: A specific score that is used in applications as a determination as to whether two individuals should be considered matched. If the comparison score is greater than or equal to the threshold, then it is considered a match.
  • Verify: An operation where a probe is provided and compared with a single, specified entry in the cache. A score is returned that indicates how similar they are.