Programming Requirements

General Requirements

  • Consuming apps are required to support portrait mode only.

  • The WorkflowStateCallback must be set.

  • The FeedbackCallback must be set.

  • To receive device position information, the DevicePositionCallback must be set.

XCode Requirements (Device Builds)

  • General | Deployment target: 15

  • Build Settings | Preprocessor Macros: __IOS__ (note double underscores)

  • Add Face Liveness SDK framework to: Build Settings | Search Paths | Framework Search Paths

  • Build Settings | Architectures: arm64 (only)

XCode Requirements (Simulator Builds)

  • General | Deployment target: 15

  • Build Settings | Preprocessor Macros: __IOS__ (note double underscores)

  • Add simulator Face Liveness SDK framework to: Build Settings | Search Paths | Framework Search Paths

  • Build Settings | Architectures: x86_64 (only)

Target Requirements

  • If you want to build for devices:
    • Make sure that you have a device plugged in and recognized in the target selector.

    • Select the device in the dropdown.

  • If you want to build for simulators:
    • Make sure that you have installed any desired simulator packages in Xcode.

    • Select the appropriate simulator in the dropdown.

Accelerometer Requirements

Knomi S Face SDK uses the CMMotionManager to access accelerometer data. Apple documentation ( indicates that this should only be instantiated once per application. Integrators creating their own CMMotionManager can contact if they notice any unexpected behavior.