Detailed API Description¶
API Documentation¶
Xcode Quick Help documentation is provided as well as HTML documentation for the SDK.
The Face Liveness SDK Functional Description¶
- Description
Perform initial allocation for the Face Liveness object.
- Prototypes
init(frame: CGRect)
init(coder: NSCoder)
- Input Parameters
frame: The dimensions and origin of the view.
coder: An instance of NSCoder used to instantiate the view and its properties.
- Return Value
A Face Liveness Object.
- Throws
This function does not throw any exceptions.
Set Static Property¶
- Description
Set the value for a static property to affect all FaceLiveness objects.
- Prototypes
public static func setStaticPropertyString(name: StaticPropertyTag, value: String) throws
- Input Parameters
property: The property to set. See the StaticPropertyTag enumeration explanation for additional details.
value: The value to assign to the specified property.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Set Property¶
- Description
Set the value for the specified property.
- Prototypes
public func setPropertyString(name: PropertyTag, value: String) throws
public func setPropertyDouble(name: PropertyTag, value: Double) throws
public func setPropertyBool(name: PropertyTag, value: Bool) throws
- Input Parameters
property: The property to set. See the PropertyTag enumeration explanation for additional details.
value: The value to assign to the specified property.
- Return Value
No return value.
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Layout Subviews¶
- Description
Create and set the parent of the FaceLivenessView.
- Prototypes
override public func layoutSubviews()
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function does not throw any exceptions.
Get Version¶
- Description
Get the SDK version information as a String.
- Prototypes
public static String getVersion()
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
Returns the SDK version as a String
- Throws
This function does not throw any exceptions.
Select Workflow¶
- Description
Select workflow from a list of workflows: {Alfa, Charlie4, Charlie2, Delay, Echo}
- Prototypes
public func selectWorkflow(workflow: String) throws
public func selectWorkflow(workflow: String, overrideParametersJson: String) throws
- Input Parameters
workflow: The name of the selected workflow
overrideParametersJson: Parameters used to override specific proerties of a given workflow in Json format.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Set Device Position Callback¶
- Description
Set callback for device position data retrieval.
- Prototypes
public func setDevicePositionCallback(callback: @escaping DevicePositionCallback)
- Input Parameters
callback: A callback that is called for device position data retrieval.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function does not throw any exceptions.
Set Feedback Callback¶
- Description
Set the callback used for autocapture feedback retrieval.
- Prototypes
public func setFeedbackCallback(callback: @escaping FeedbackCallback)
- Input Parameters
callback: A callback that is called for autocapture feedback retrieval.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function does not throw any exceptions.
Set Workflow State Callback¶
- Description
Set the workflow state callback.
- Prototypes
public func setWorkflowStateCallback(callback: @escaping WorkflowStateCallback)
- Input Parameters
callback: A callback that is called when the workflow state needs to be retrieved.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function does not throw any exceptions.
Get Region of Interest¶
- Description
Retrieve origin i.e. upper left x, y, width, height of the bounding box rect for where the subject’s face is required.
- Prototypes
public func getRegionOfInterest() throws -> [CGFloat]
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
The region of interest as an array containing the x, y, width, and height.
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Start Workflow¶
- Description
Start the selected workflow. Workflow State, Autocapture Feedback, and Device Position callbacks, will begin to occur.
- Prototypes
public func start() throws
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Stop Workflow¶
- Description
Stop the currently running workflow.
- Prototypes
public func stop() throws
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Get Server Package¶
- Description
Retrieve the JSON message to send to the Aware Face Liveness Rest Server for additional processing.
- Prototypes
public func getServerPackage() throws -> [String : Any]
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
A JSON message in the form of a dictionary to send to the Aware Face Liveness Rest Server.
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Get Encrypted Server Package¶
- Description
Retrieve the encrypted JSON message to send to the Aware Face Liveness Rest Server for additional processing.
- Prototypes
public func getEncryptedServerPackage(type: EncryptionType, key: String) throws -> [String: Any]
- Input Parameters
type: Selection of which encryption type to use. See the EncryptionType enumeration explanation for additional details.
key: A string containing the encryption public key. The public key is an X.509 certificate in ASN.1, encoded in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. The header/footer and new line characters are required, and there should be no extra characters in the string.
- Return Value
An encrypted JSON message in the form of a dictionary to send to the Aware Face Liveness Rest Server.
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
- Public Key
Here is an example of creating a public key variable.
var public_key = "" public_key += "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" public_key += "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAl+XiWKgeRRmpv9o/ZbSU\n" public_key += "Vg8NmPHYQdrm5LNtRvM4wSyD6ELQdh5sPrB6D3q+1O9QeMTUa60Ph6h6UsCZO40D\n" public_key += "forJmp33mT8EhJ0DfyqcEOVVgcotgr+aLlqfhOeRYYOJoNFuspUvLV+F4hZvFACp\n" public_key += "EPyy+wxbRKQScJ9ojcHMjI+E0kSYqNAaQZma/IBzNasTCAN25SzXwVR5etD6bsA1\n" public_key += "OHmunx9zMORWyC9XQhOXwSXD5xfQZMgB0CiZjjmv4TRQPAES388QfI7uiKH67l+3\n" public_key += "QI1PhWeYa7Niqc7DyfJwqrc//HeIhXejFVEbIq2d7Y9OVjsn92OSy7S4Z9FnFwcV\n" public_key += "cQIDAQAB\n" public_key += "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
Get Captured Image¶
- Description
Retrieve the captured image found with workflow using autocapture on device.
- Prototypes
public func getCapturedImage() throws -> UIImage
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
Returns image if successfully autocaptured.
- Throws
This function throws an exception.
Get Recorded Video¶
- Description
Retrieve the video recorded during the previous capture session. The video is in MP4 format at 10 FPS maximum. Devices with lower specs may record at a lower FPS. Up to 30 seconds of video can be recorded based on the .maxRecordedVideoLength property being set.
- Prototypes
public func getRecordedVideo() throws -> Data
- Input Parameters
This function does not take any input parameters.
- Return Value
Data containing the bytes for an MP4 recording of the capture session.
- Throws
This function can throw a recordedVideoNotAvailable error if there is no video available.
The Face Liveness SDK Public Enumerations¶
Provides information such as facial positioning. See FeedbackResult (Listing 2)
public class FeedbackResult {
public var autocaptureFeedback: AutocaptureFeedback
StaticPropertyTag - Defines static property. See StaticPropertyTag (StaticPropertyTag Tags
@objc public enum StaticPropertyTag: Int {
case faceModel
Value |
Type |
Description |
Face Model |
String |
Determines if the application is using the Light Weight Face Model or the High Accuracy Face Model. Valid values are ‘Mobile’ for the Light Weight Face Model and the path to the ‘FaceModelStandardv2.dat’ for the High Accuracy Model. |
PropertyTag - Defines the name of property. See PropertyTag (Listing 4)
@objc public enum PropertyTag: Int {
case username
case constructImage
case captureTimeout
case eyeSeparation
case captureOnDevice
case checkPhonePosition
case enableAutocapture
case maxRecordedVideoLength
Value |
Type |
Description |
Username |
String |
Used to set the Username/ID field when communicating with the Face Liveness Server. Default is a blank string. |
Construct Image |
Boolean |
When possible, return a cropped and rotated image from the Face Liveness Server. See the Face Liveness Server manual for JSON response details. Default is False. |
Timeout |
Double |
Duration (in seconds) of attempting facial capture before aborting the Workflow. Set to 0 for no timeout. Default is no timeout. |
Eye Separation |
Double |
Adjusts the minimum eye separation (in pixels) required for on device captures. |
Capture On Device |
Boolean |
Make a 480x640 capture image available via the getCapturedImage method. Default False. |
Check Phone Position |
Boolean |
When enabled, the phone must be held vertically as part of the capture process. When disabled, the phone may be held at any angle during capture. This is enabled by default. |
Enable Autocapture |
Boolean |
When disabled, autocapture will continue even if the subject is ready for capture. Once re-enabled, autocapture will resume and capture once the subject is in the correct position. This is enabled by default. |
Max Recorded Video Length |
Double |
Duration (in seconds) of video to record from the capture process. After successfully recording, the getRecordedVideo function can be used to get the video data for the previous capture. Default is 0 seconds. Maximum allowed 30 seconds. |
WorkflowState - State information of workflow progress. See WorkflowState (Listing 5)
@objc public enum WorkflowState: Int {
case workflowPreparing
case workflowDeviceInPosition
case workflowHoldSteady
case workflowCapturing
case workflowEvent - Not currently used
case workflowShowUI - Not currently used
case workflowHideUI - Not currently used
case workflowPostProcessing - Not currently used
case workflowComplete
case workflowAborted
case workflowTimedOut
case workflowSensorError
Value |
Description |
Preparing |
The Workflow is preparing for facial image analysis. Device is not in the correct position. |
Device in Position |
The Workflow has detected the device is being held in the correct position. |
Hold Steady |
The Workflow has detected the device and subject are both in the correct position. This is received along with the COMPLIANT AutoFeedback code. |
Capturing |
The Workflow is collecting final data. Continue to hold device steady with subject in the same position. |
Event |
Currently unused. |
Show UI |
Currently unused. |
Hide UI |
Currently unused. |
Post Processing |
Currently unused. |
Complete |
The Workflow is done. The liveness decision can be retrieved via getLivenessDecision. |
Aborted |
The Workflow has been aborted. Handle the Workflow exiting. |
Timedout |
The Workflow has timed out. The server package is available via getServerPackage (Knomi S Face SDK). |
Sensor Error |
The Workflow has stopped due to invalid sensor readings being detected. Check that the device is functioning normally. |
AutocaptureFeedback - Feedback from the autocapture algorithm, part of FeedbackResult. See AutocaptureFeedback (Listing 6)
@objc public enum AutocaptureFeedback: Int {
case OFF,
public static func allValues() -> [AutocaptureFeedback]
public var description: String { get }
public static func fromString(term: String) -> AutocaptureFeedback
Value |
Description |
Off |
The Workflow was still preparing to perform facial analysis. Wait for next set of feedback. |
Compliant Image |
The subject was compliant with all checks. The subject and device should maintain current position to finish data collection. |
No Face Detected |
No face was detected in the current image. |
Multiple Faces Detected |
Multple faces detected in the image provided. |
Invalid Pose |
The subject’s facial pose is invalid. |
Face Too Far |
The subject’s face is too far from the camera. The subject must move closer or move the device closer. |
Face Too Close |
The subject’s face is too close to the camera. The subject must back up or move the device slightly away. |
Face On Left |
The subject’s face is too far to the left. The subject must shift right closer towards the center. |
Face On Right |
The subject’s face is too far to the right. The subject must shift left closer towards the center. |
Face Too High |
The subject’s face is too high. The subject must shift downwards towards the center. |
Face Too Low |
The subject’s face is too high. The subject must shift upwards towards the center. |
Insufficient Lighting |
There is insufficient lighting in the current environment to gather data. The subject needs to relocate to better lighting conditions. |
Light Too Bright |
There is too much lighting in the current environment to gather data. The subject needs to relocate to better lighting conditions. |
Too Much Blur |
The camera is out of focus |
Smile Present |
The subject was detected smiling or with an open mouth. The subject needs to close their mouth and have a neutral expression on their face. |
Forehead Covering |
The subject was detected as having an obstruction on their forehead. The subject needs to remove the obstruction from their head. |
Background Too Bright |
The background is too bright. |
Background Too Dark |
The background is too dark. |
Left Eye Closed |
The subject was detected as having their left eye closed. The subject needs to open their eye. |
Right Eye Closed |
The subject was detected as having their right eye closed. The subject needs to open their eye. |
Left Eye Obstructed |
The subject’s left eye was detected as being obstructed. The subject needs to ensure a clear view of their eye. |
Right Eye Obstructed |
The subject’s right eye was detected as being obstructed. The subject needs to ensure a clear view of their right eye. |
Heavy Frames |
The subject was detected as wearing heavy or thick glasses frames. The subject needs to remove their glasses for capture. |
Glare |
The frame is non-compliant due to excessive glare. |
Dark Glasses |
The subject was detected as wearing tinted or dark glasses. The subject needs to remove their glasses for capture. |
Unnatural Lighting Color |
The subject was detected being in unnatural lighting conditions. The subject needs to relocate to better lighting conditions. |
Mouth Obscured |
The subject was detected as having their mouth obscured. The subject needs to ensure a clear view of their mouth. |
EncryptionType - Encryption types for encrypted server packages. See EncryptionType (Listing 7)
@objc public enum EncryptionType: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case RSA_AES_256_CBC
public var description: String { get }
Value |
Description |
The encryption type is a symmetric-asymmetric RSA hybrid based on a AES 256-bit cipher block chain. |
FaceLivenessError - Error codes for FaceLiveness. See FaceLivenessError (FaceLiveness Error
@objc public enum FaceLivenessError: Int, Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case noError
case workflowInProgress
case workflowInvalid
case workflowNotSelected
case workflowNoneAvailable
case workflowInconsistent
case workflowUnableToInitialize
case serverPackageNotAvailable
case cameraInvalid
case audioUnableToInitialize
case regionOfInterestNotAvailable
case imageNotAvailable
case recordedVideoNotAvailable
case classifierDataFileNotFound
case emptyUsernameNotAllowed
case imageCallbackNotSet
case feedbackCallbackNotSet
case workflowStateCallbackNotSet
case propertyInvalid
case faceModelInvalid
case faceModelNotSupportWorkflow
case methodNotAvailable
case functionNotAvailableInProduct
case invalidEncryptionInfo
case couldNotEncryptServerPackage
case deviceMotionSensorError
public var description: String { get }
Value |
Description |
No Error |
No error. |
Workflow In Progress |
Workflow in progress. |
Workflow Invalid |
Invalid workflow. |
Workflow Not Selected |
Workflow not selected. |
Workflow None Available |
No workflows available. |
Workflow Unable To Initialize |
Unable to initialize workflow. |
Workflow Inconsistent |
Workflow liveness check inconsistency. |
Server Package Not Available |
Server package not available. |
Camera Invalid |
Invalid camera. |
Audio Unable To Initialize |
Unable to initialize audio. |
Image Not Available |
Image not available. |
Recorded Video Not Available |
There is no video recording available. |
Region Of Interest NotAvailable |
Region of Interest not available. |
Classifier Data File Not Found |
Classifier data file not found. |
Empty Username Not Allowed |
Empty username not allowed. |
Image Callback Not Set |
Image callback not set. |
Feedback Callback Not Set |
Feedback callback not set. |
Workflow State Callback Not Set |
Feedback callback not set. |
Method Not Available |
Method not available. |
Property Invalid |
Invalid property setting. |
Face Model Invalid |
Face model file not valid. |
Face Model Not Support Workflow |
Selected face model not supported for the workflow. |
Function Not Available In Product |
Function not available in this product. |
Invalid Encryption Info |
Encryption info not valid. |
Could Not Encrypt Server Package |
Could not encrypt server package. |
Device Motion Sensor Error |
A problem was detected with the device motion sensors. |