Swift API



Library object that manages all other Face Capture API classes.


Description: Dispose the FaceCapture object. This will free the memory used by the native library. Calling dispose will invalidate this object and all objects created by it. Attempting to use any functions with this or any other invalidated object will result in the NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ error being thrown.

Function Definition:

func dispose() -> Void

Returns: None

Throws: None

Workflow Create

Description: Create a Workflow object using a workflow name. The Workflow object will become invalid if the FaceCapture used to create it is disposed.

Function Definition:

func workflowCreate(workflowName: String) throws -> Workflow
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
workflowName String Name of the workflow to create

Returns: A new Workflow object.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • UNKNOWN_WORKFLOW - The workflowName specified did not match any of the valid workflow names. Please see the Constants section for the list of valid names.

Get Camera List

Description: Get a list of available Camera objects. Use CameraPosition.FRONT to get all “selfie”/front facing cameras. Use CameraPosition.BACK to get all cameras on the back of the device.

Function Definition:

func getCameraList(position: CameraPosition) throws -> [Camera]
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
position CameraPosition Position of the cameras on the device

Returns: An array of Cameras for the camera position specified.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_CAMERA_POSITION - The position value specified was not a valid CameraPosition.

Start Capture Session

Description: Start a capture session using the specified Workflow and Camera objects. While capturing, you cannot modify either object until the capture session ends. A capture session can end via a stopCaptureSession() call, if the capture session timeout expires, if there is a hardware issue, or if it captures successfully.

Function Definition:

func startCaptureSession(workflowHandle: Workflow, cameraHandle: Camera) throws -> Void
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
workflowHandle Workflow Workflow containing settings for the capture session
cameraHandle Camera Camera to be used in the capture session

Returns: None

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_WORKFLOW - The Workflow object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_CAMERA - The Camera object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • NO_CAPTURE_PROFILE - The CAPTURE_PROFILE WorkflowProperty was not specified. A valid CAPTURE_PROFILE must be set.
  • INVALID_CAPTURE_PROFILE - The CAPTURE_PROFILE WorkflowProperty specified was not profile valid XML.

Stop Capture Session

Description: Stop the current capture session. If there is no capture session running, this is a no-op. The next CaptureState will contain the STOPPED CaptureSessionStatus indicating that the session has successfully stopped. The Frame will not be retrievable and the Feedback may be safely ignored from this CaptureState.

Function Definition:

func stopCaptureSession() throws -> Void

Returns: None

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.

Get Capture Session State

Description: Blocking function that retrieves the capture session state object.

Function Definition:

func getCaptureSessionState() throws -> CaptureState

Returns: A new CaptureState object.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_CAPTURE_STATE - The capture state is invalid.

Get Server Package

Description: Get the JSON server package as a string value.

Function Definition:

func getServerPackage(workflowHandle: Workflow, packageType: PackageType) throws -> String
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
workflowHandle Workflow Workflow containing settings for the capture session
packageType PackageType The requested package type.

Returns: The string representation of the JSON server package.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE - There are no capture sessions currently running

Get Encrypted Server Package

Description: Get the encrypted JSON server package as a string value.

Function Definition:

func getEncryptedServerPackage(encryptionType: EncryptionType, encryptionKey: String, workflowHandle: Workflow, packageType: PackageType) throws -> String
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
encryptionType EncryptionType Type of encryption
encryptionKey String String containing encryption key
workflowHandle Workflow Workflow object containing settings for the capture session
packageType PackageType Type of JSON request package

Returns: The string representation of the encrypted JSON server package.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by destroy() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_WORKFLOW - The Workflow object has been invalidated by destroy() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_ENCRYPTION_TYPE - The EncryptionType enumeration is not a valid type and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY - The String containing the encryption key is not a valid key and cannot be used.
  • CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE - There has not been a successfully completed capture session. No data available.

Get Captured Image

Description: Retrieves the stored capture image from the given Workflow.

Function Definition:

func getCapturedImage( workflow: Workflow ) throws -> [UInt8]
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
workflow Workflow Specified workflow to retrieve a capture image from.

Returns: The capture image that was retrieved from the Workflow. The image is returned as a JPG.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by destroy() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_WORKFLOW - The Workflow object has been invalidated by destroy() and cannot be used.
  • CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE - There has not been a successfully completed capture session. No data available.

Get Capture Session Region of Interest

Description: Get the area where the user’s face is expected for a capture to occur for the current capture session.

Function Definition:

func captureSessionGetCaptureRegion() throws -> CGRect

Returns: A rectangle defining the region where the face will be captured. The region is a rectangle is defined by a point (x,y) at the upper left corner along with a width and height.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE - There are no capture sessions currently running

Capture Session Enable Autocapture

Description: Enable or disable the autocapture for the capture session. If there is no capture session running, this is a no-op.

Function Definition:

func captureSessionEnableAutocapture(enableAutocapture: Bool) throws -> Void
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
enableAutocapture Boolean Boolean value on whether to enable autocapture

Returns: None

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.

Get Version

Description: Get the Face Capture SDK version as an integer value.

Function Definition:

static func getVersion() throws -> Int32

Returns: The integer representation of the Face Capture SDK version in AABBCCDD format.

  • AA is the major version
  • BB is the minor version
  • CC is the bug fix version
  • DD is the build version

Throws: None

Get Version String

Description: Get the Face Capture SDK version as a string value.

Function Definition:

static func getVersionString() throws -> String

Returns: The string representation of the Face Capture SDK version.

Throws: None


Library object that abstracts the Face Capture Capture State.


Description: Dispose the CaptureState object. This will free the memory used by the native library. Calling dispose will invalidate this object. Attempting to use any functions with this invalidated CaptureState will result in the NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ or INVALID_CAPTURE_STATE error being thrown.

Function Definition:

func dispose() -> Void

Returns: None

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_CAPTURE_STATE - The CaptureState object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.

Get Capture Session Status

Description: Retrieves the most recent status update from the capture session.

Function Definition:

func getCaptureSessionStatus() throws -> CaptureSessionStatus

Returns: The most recent status update from the capture session. See the CaptureSessionStatus enumeration descriptions for details.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.

Get Capture Session Frame

Description: Blocking function that retrieves the most recent preview frame from the capture session. If there is no capture session in progress, this function will throw the CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE error.

Function Definition:

func getCaptureSessionFrame() throws -> [UInt8]

Returns: A byte array containing a preview frame from the capture session. The frame is in JPG format. The frame is either 480x640 in portrait mode or 640x480 in landscape mode.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE - There are no capture sessions currently running.

Get Capture Session Feedback

Description: Retrieves the most recent preview feedback from the capture session. If there is no capture session in progress, this function will throw the CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE error.

Function Definition:

func getCaptureSessionFeedback() throws -> AutoCaptureFeedback

Returns: The most recent AutoCaptureFeedback update from the capture session. See the AutoCaptureFeedback enumeration descriptions for more details.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • CAPTURE_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE - There are no capture sessions currently running.


Workflow object used to store capture session configurations.


Description: Dispose the Workflow object. This will free the memory used by the native library. Calling dispose will invalidate this object. Attempting to use any functions with this invalidated Workflow will result in the NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ or INVALID_WORKFLOW error being thrown.

Function Definition:

func dispose() -> Void

Returns: None

Throws: None

Set Property Double

Description: Set a double property value for the specified workflow property. Attempting to set a non-double property will result in a WORKFLOW_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH error being thrown. See the WorkflowProperty enumeration descriptions for more details.

Function Definition:

func setPropertyDouble(property: WorkflowProperty, value: Double) throws -> Void
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
property WorkflowProperty Workflow property having its value set
value double New value for the specified workflow property

Returns: None

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_WORKFLOW - The Workflow object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_WORKFLOW_PROPERTY - The property value was not a valid WorkflowProperty.
  • WORKFLOW_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH - The property value specified does not accept a double value.

Set Property String

Description: Set a string property vlaue for the specified workflow property. Attempting to set a non-string property will result in a WORKFLOW_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH error being thrown. See the WorkflowProperty enumeration descriptions for more details.

Function Definition:

func setPropertyString(property: WorkflowProperty, value: String) throws -> Void
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
property WorkflowProperty Workflow property having its value set
value String New value for the specified workflow property

Returns: None

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_WORKFLOW - The Workflow object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_WORKFLOW_PROPERTY - The property value was not a valid WorkflowProperty.
  • WORKFLOW_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH - The property value specified does not accept a String value.


Camera object used to store capture session configurations.


Description: Dispose the Camera object. This will free the memory used by the native library. Calling dispose will invalidate this object. Attempting to use any functions with an invalidated Camera will result in the NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ or INVALID_CAMERA error being thrown.

Function Definition:

func dispose() -> Void

Returns: None

Throws: None

Get Name

Description: Get the name of the Camera.

Function Definition:

func getName() throws -> String

Returns: String containing the name of the Camera.

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_CAMERA - The Camera object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.

Set Orientation

Description: Set the orientation of the camera. This will affect how the capture session expects the camera to be oriented. See the CameraOrientation enumeration descriptions for more details.

Function Definition:

func setOrientation(orientation: CameraOrientation) throws -> Void
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
orientation CameraOrientation New camera orientation for this camera to be used in capture sessions

Returns: None

  • NULL_FACE_CAPTURE_OBJ - The FaceCapture object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_CAMERA - The Camera object has been invalidated by dispose() and cannot be used.
  • INVALID_CAMERA_ORIENTATION - The orientation specified was not a valid CameraOrientation.
  • CAMERA_IN_USE - The Camera is currently in use in a capture session and cannot be modified.