
Default Workflows

If you are not using Knomi VoiceLiveness to choose workflow, you can specify the workflow name in the request. VoiceLiveness server will load up the default workflow settings and do the voice liveness detection. You’ll need to add the “workflow” field and specify the name inside the “voice” section. For example:

Example of using workflow name - request form
   "voice": {
       "meta_data": {
       "workflow": "alfa2",
       "voiceSamples": []

The alfa workflow has 3 variations with different levels of security and usability.

  • 2 - High usability

  • 4 - Balanced usability/security

  • 6 - High security.

It is recommended to start with 4 and evaluate if it meets your needs before trying 2 or 6.

Workflow Override

The Knomi VoiceLiveness Server also provides the ability to override the default parameters of a workflow, providing flexibility to accommodate different usecases. Currently it supports the following parameters being overridden:

  • securityLevel
    • This parameter controls the balance of usability versus security. The available workflow configurations set this value to 70, 77, and 82 respectively. Valid values are 0-100, with higher values providing higher security and lower values providing higher usability.

Example of overriding the security level
   "voice": {
       "meta_data": {
       "workflow": "alfa2",
       "voiceSamples": [],
       "securityLevel": 75