Running the Voice Capture Demo¶
Opening the application the first time you will see a warning that it could not locate a user ID. Pressing “OK” will open the settings page automatically. You will not be able to save settings until you have specified a valid user name.
Enter the username you want to use for logging purposes on the back-end in the field marked “User Name”. Set your server URL to a Voice Liveness service. Press the “Save” button.
Upon returning to the home screen, the username and workflow should be filled in and the server status should show “Connected”. If the server is unreachable, the server status will read “No Connectivity” and the “CAPTURE” button will be unusable. In this case, please contact your IT department to ensure the server can be reached from the device. If you need to re-enter the settings page, press the “Settings” button on the lower right portion of the screen.
Start a capture by pressing the “CAPTURE” button in the center. On your first time capturing, the application will prompt you to allow access to your microphone. You must accept this prompt for the Voice Capture Demo to work correctly. If access is denied, this can be changed by opening the Settings app and viewing the settings page for Voice Capture Demo. Toggle the microphone permission switch to enable permissions.
After accepting the requested permissions, you will be brought to a new screen with your microphone active and recording. If you wish to stop the capture, you can press the “STOP” button on the lower right of the screen.