TLS and Password Encryption


Knomi TransactionDb provides tool to create an encrypted password from a symmetric key.

TransactionDb rest server can be started in TLS mode and for that admin need to provide a server certificate. This server certificate might be created without a password or with a password. If this certificate is created with a password, there are options to provide the password in plain text or encrypted.

aw_knomi_encrypt_password tool can be used to create the encrypted password from a symmetric key and plain password. Besides main output, the encrypted password, this tool also generates an initiation vector as an artifact. Later these initiation vector and same symmetric key need to be used together with the generated encrypted password, if admin choose to use encrypted password with the TLS certificate.


If eg_symmetric_key.txt have the symmetric key with base64 as follows:

Example symmetric key

The output might look like as follows:

sample run and output
   $ ./aw_knomi_encrypt_password --password-encryption-key eg_symmetric_key.txt --password "abc123"

Output lines can be copied and pasted into the config file that is being used to start the server. The config file might then look like as follows:

sample config file after copying output of password encryption tool
   certificate=<certificate name>

Usage of aw_knomi_encrypt_password tool

In Linux:

Usage in linux
   ./aw_knomi_encrypt_password --password-encryption-key <file containing symmetric key> --password <plain password>

Using TLS certificate

TLS certifates can be obtained from any known certificate authorities. For testing purpose ONLY, integrators can use self signed certificate.

mkcert and openssl can be used to create self signed certificate with or without password.


get mkcert
   wget -O mkcert${VER}/mkcert-${VER}-linux-amd64
enable execute permission
   chmod +x mkcert
install local certificate authority
   mkcert -install
create private key and cert pem files
   mkcert localhost

It might create e,g. following pem files, first one with private key inside it, and 2nd one having certificate inside it.

example generated pem files by mkcert

Copy at first the content of the key file and then the certificate file into a new file e.g. localhost.pem. Now localhost.pem file is ready to be used to start the rest server.

If integrator wants to use TLS certificate with password, she can use openssl to achieve that. This following command will ask for password together with other option to provide various metadata.

run openssl from admin mode cmd
   openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
example generated pem files by openssl

Copy at first the content of the key file and then the certificate file into a new file e.g. localhost.enc.pem. Now localhost.enc.pem file is ready to be used to start the rest server together with the password.

If the integrator wants to create the certificate with IP of the server instead of localhost, integrator can create the following config file e.g. cert_config.txt

sample run and output
   default_bits = 4096
   default_md = sha256
   distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
   x509_extensions = v3_req
   prompt = no
   C = US
   ST = MA
   L = some_city
   O = some_company
   OU = some_unit
   CN = <server ip>
   keyUsage = keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
   extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
   subjectAltName = @alt_names
   IP.1 = <server ip>

Then use this config file as in the following command. Now server can be accessed from another machine.

run openssl from admin mode cmd
   openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -config cert_config.txt