Installing the Demo

To start looking at the Knomi S Face SDK Demo, we recommend using XCode 12.4 or higher to compile and run the demo on your iOS device. To begin using the demo:

  1. Connect testing device (such as iPhone or iPad) to your computer via cable.

  2. Open XCode.

  3. Select File -> Open… from the menu.

  4. Select the project located at src-demo/swift/FaceLivenessServerDemo/FaceLivenessServerDemo.xcodeproj and press Open.

  5. Select Product -> Scheme in the menu and select the scheme titled “FaceLivenessServerDemo”.

  6. Select Product -> Destination -> “iOS Device” and select target device.

  7. Update the code signing for the demo to match your development environment:

    1. Click on the project name “FaceLivenessServerDemo” on the left to bring up the project settings.

    2. On the “General” tab, change the “Bundle Identifier” to a unique string (e.g. “”)

    3. On the “Signing & Capabilities” tab, update the signing information to match your development environment. For automatic signing, check “Automatically manage signing” and select your “Team” identifier from the dropdown.

  8. Select Product -> Run to start running the application

  9. Select Product -> Stop to stop running the application

Please note:

  • The iOS emulator is not available as an option for Knomi S Face.

  • A connected device must be used for debugging and testing.

  • A connected device must already be setup for testing via Xcode.