


Feedback provided during a capture session indicating any facial quality issues with the subject.

Code Value Description
faceCompliant 0 The subject’s face was compliant.
noFaceDetected 1 No faces were detected in the image. The subject’s face must be wholly in frame.
multipleFacesDetected 2 Multiple faces were detected in the image. The subject must be the only face in frame.
invalidPose 3 The subject’s pose is too far off center. The subject should directly face the camera.
faceTooFar 4 The subject’s face is too far away. The subject should move closer to the camera.
faceTooClose 5 The subject’s face is too close. The subject should move away from the camera.
faceOnLeft 6 The subject’s face is too far to the left. The subject should move to the center of the frame.
faceOnRight 7 The subject’s face is too far to the right. The subject should move to the center of the frame.
faceTooHigh 8 The subject’s face is too high. The subject should move down towards the center of the frame.
faceTooLow 9 The subject’s face is too low. The subject should move up towards the center of the frame.
insufficientLighting 10 There is insufficient lighting. The subject should move to an area with more uniform lighting.
leftEyeClosed 11 The subject’s left eye is closed. The subject should have both eyes open and visible to the camera.
rightEyeClosed 12 The subject’s right eye is closed. The subject should have both eyes open and visible to the camera.
darkGlassesDetected 13 The subject is wearing dark or tinted glasss. The subject should remove the dark or tinted glasses.


The device’s camera orientation.

Code Value Description
portrait 0 Portrait orientation - Camera is held vertically.
landscape 1 Landscape orientation - Camera is held horizontally.


The position of the camera on the device.

Code Value Description
front 0 Camera is on the front of the device. Used for selfie captures.
back 1 Camera is on the back of the device. Used for capturing other subjects.


The type of JSON request package to send to the Face Liveness back-end.

Code Value Description
highUsability 0 Request focused on high usability when analyzing on the back-end.
balanced 1 Request focused on a balance of usability and security when analyzing on the back-end.
highSecurity 2 Request focused on high security when analyzing on the back-end


Configurable properties for Workflows.

Code Value Description
username 0 A string value used to set the Username/ID fields when communicating with Knomi S Services.
captureTimeout 1 A double value indicating the maximum duration in seconds for attempting face capture before ending the capture session.
captureProfile 2 A string value used to set the capture criteria for Face Capture.


The type of encryption for server packages.

Code Value Description
rsaAes256Cbc 1 RSA AES-256 CBC encryption.