Start Up Options

Server Program Options

By default the servers is started on the localhost and only processes running on that system could access the server. The server provides the following startup arguments (Server Program Options). Note: The package you received may not contain server. Please contact Aware if you are interested in server.

Server Program Options
Argument Description
h [ –help ] Produce help message.
-c [ –config ] Load configuration from specified file.
-l [ –log-config ] Load log4cplus configuration from specified file.
–host Set host name (default localhost).
-p [ –port ] Set port number (default 8080).
-u [ –url-path ] URL base path (default preface).
–preface-classifier-path Path to Preface classifier data file.
-t [ –concurrent-tasks ] Set the maximum number of concurrent PreFace tasks. Defaults to number of cores available.
-q [ –queue-size ] Set the maximum number of PreFace tasks that can be queued up. Defaults unlimited.
–certificate Path to PEM certificate keystore file, enabling TLS.
–password TLS certificate private key password (use if private key is encrypted).
–enable-cors Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
–cors-acao-policy Access-Control-Allow-Origin policy (default “*”).
–cors-acac-policy Access-Control-Allow-Credentials policy (default “”).
–cors-aceh-policy Access-Control-Expose-Headers policy (default “”).
–cors-acma-policy Access-Control-Max-Age policy (default “”).
–cors-acam-policy Access-Control-Allow-Methods policy (default “GET,POST,OPTIONS”).
–cors-acah-policy Access-Control-Allow-Headers policy (default “Content-Type”).
–endpoint-decryption-key Path to endpoint decryption key, enabling encrypted requests.
–db-host Transaction counting database host server.
–db-user Transaction counting database login user name.
–db-pw Transaction counting database login password.
–db-name Transaction counting database name.
–db-poll-interval OPTIONAL: Transaction counting database polling interval for reconnecting. Time in minutes. Default 5 minutes.

Server Log Configuration

The logging can be controlled by the parameters specified in the preface_log_config.ini file. This file defines what will be logged to the console and what will be logged to the log file. The default log configuration is set to roll over monthly. The formatting options (i.e. [%-5p][%d] %m%n) in the Knomi logging configuration file are defined by the log4cplus library. See (Logging configuration example).

Logging configuration example
# MyConsoleAppender
log4cplus.appender.MyConsoleAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p][%d] %m%n

# InfoLogAppender
log4cplus.appender.InfoLogAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p][%d] %m%n

# JsonAppender

log4cplus.logger.aw_knomi_face_analyzer_rest_server_info=INFO, MyConsoleAppender, InfoLogAppender
log4cplus.logger.aw_knomi_face_analyzer_rest_server_stats=INFO, MyConsoleAppender, JsonAppender