REST API Reference


Analyze the provided images to determine if each have the specified document and if that document is correctly positioned in the image.

POST /autocaptureDocument

Analyze the provided images to determine if each have the specified document and if that document is correctly positioned in the image.

The autocaptureDocument endpoint takes a Workflow and array of images. It will analyze each image to determine if it is the specified document type and that the document is positioned correctly. For autocapturing in real time it is recommended to send in one image per transaction.

Request schema:

Name Type Description
workflow workflow  
images (array of objects) An array of image objects that contain image data that has been base64 encoded.
   data string A base64 encoded image.

Example request:

POST /autocaptureDocument HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "workflow": {
        "documentType": "CUSTOM",
        "aspectRatioWidth": 5,
        "aspectRatioHeight": 4,
        "imagePercentage": 0.52
    "images": [
            "data": "<base64 encoded image>"
            "data": "<base64 encoded image>"
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
results object Autocapture results for the submitted images.
   captured boolean True if the document has been found in one of the submitted images. False if the document was not found or was not correctly positioned.
   capturedImageIndex number If the captured element is true, this will be the index of the image where the document was found. If the captured element is false, this will be -1.
   imageResults (array of objects)  
      imageIndex integer Index indicating which image submitted generated these results.
      feedback string Feedback code generated by the analysis of the image. Values: DOCUMENT_FOUND - The document was found and is correctly positioned in this image., DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND - No document was detected in this image., TOO_FAR - The document was too far from the camera. Move the document closer to the camera., TOO_CLOSE - The document was too close to the camera. Move the document further away from the camera., TOO_BLURRY - The image was too blurry to correctly read the document. Stop moving the camera and bring the document into focus., OFF_ANGLE - The document is at an off angle from the camera. Correct the document so it is parallel to the camera., WRONG_DOCUMENT - The document is the incorrect type. Present the correct document.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "results": {
        "captured": true,
        "capturedImageIndex": 1,
        "imageResults": [
                "imageIndex": 0,
                "feedback": "TOO_BLURRY"
                "imageIndex": 1,
                "feedback": "DOCUMENT_FOUND"

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code indicating what is wrong with the submitted JSON. Values: -1 - Unknown Error, -2 - Invalid input JSON, -3 - Missing a mandatory field, -4 - Field has wrong type, -5 - Invalid base64 string, -6 - Invalid value, -7 - Invalid image data, -8 - Invalid image size
   description string A description of the error.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "The request was not a valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code. See table below.
   description string Error description.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": "-1",
        "description": "The functionality requested is not supported."

Provides the same functionality as the autocaptureDocument endpoint but with an encrypted message.

POST /autocaptureDocumentEncrypted

Provides the same functionality as the autocaptureDocument endpoint but with an encrypted message.

Decrypts then analyzes the images according to the settings specified. It will analyze each image to determine if it is the specified document type and that the document is positioned correctly. Packages for this endpoint are generated by Knomi software such as Knomi Web.

Request schema:

Name Type Description
key string Encrypted request ‘key’ value.
iv string Encrypted request ‘iv’ value.
p string Encrypted request ‘p’ value.

Example request:

POST /autocaptureDocumentEncrypted HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "key": "string",
    "iv": "string",
    "p": "string"
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
results object Autocapture results for the submitted images.
   captured boolean True if the document has been found in one of the submitted images. False if the document was not found or was not correctly positioned.
   capturedImageIndex number If the captured element is true, this will be the index of the image where the document was found. If the captured element is false, this will be -1.
   imageResults (array of objects)  
      imageIndex integer Index indicating which image submitted generated these results.
      feedback string Feedback code generated by the analysis of the image. Values: DOCUMENT_FOUND - The document was found and is correctly positioned in this image., DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND - No document was detected in this image., TOO_FAR - The document was too far from the camera. Move the document closer to the camera., TOO_CLOSE - The document was too close to the camera. Move the document further away from the camera., TOO_BLURRY - The image was too blurry to correctly read the document. Stop moving the camera and bring the document into focus., OFF_ANGLE - The document is at an off angle from the camera. Correct the document so it is parallel to the camera., WRONG_DOCUMENT - The document is the incorrect type. Present the correct document.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "results": {
        "captured": true,
        "capturedImageIndex": 1,
        "imageResults": [
                "imageIndex": 0,
                "feedback": "TOO_BLURRY"
                "imageIndex": 1,
                "feedback": "DOCUMENT_FOUND"

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code indicating what is wrong with the submitted JSON. Values: -1 - Unknown Error, -2 - Invalid input JSON, -3 - Missing a mandatory field, -4 - Field has wrong type, -5 - Invalid base64 string, -6 - Invalid value, -7 - Invalid image data, -8 - Invalid image size
   description string A description of the error.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "The request was not a valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code. See table below.
   description string Error description.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": "-1",
        "description": "The functionality requested is not supported."

Get client parameters needed to capture a document.

POST /getCaptureParameters

Get client parameters needed to capture a document.

Given a workflow the getCaptureParameters endpoint will provide the minimum resolution required to capture the document specified.

Request schema:

Name Type Description
workflow workflow  

Example request:

POST /getCaptureParameters HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "workflow": {
        "documentType": "PASSPORT"
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
minimumResolution object  
   width number Minimum width necessary for submitted images to capture the specified document.
   height number Minimum height necessary for submitted images to capture the specifed document.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "minimumResolution": {
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 1080

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code indicating what is wrong with the submitted JSON. Values: -1 - Unknown Error, -2 - Invalid input JSON, -3 - Missing a mandatory field, -4 - Field has wrong type, -5 - Invalid base64 string, -6 - Invalid value, -7 - Invalid image data, -8 - Invalid image size
   description string A description of the error.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "The request was not a valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code. See table below.
   description string Error description.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": "-1",
        "description": "The functionality requested is not supported."

Get a rectangle describing where in the image the document is expected.

POST /getCaptureRegion

Get a rectangle describing where in the image the document is expected.

Given a workflow and a resolution for incoming images the getCaptureRegion endpoint will provide a rectangle that describes the ideal positioning for the document specified at that resolution.

Request schema:

Name Type Description
workflow workflow  
captureResolution object  
   width number Width of the incoming images to be used in autocapture.
   height number Height of the incoming images to be used in autocapture.

Example request:

POST /getCaptureRegion HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain

    "workflow": {
        "documentType": "CUSTOM",
        "aspectRatioWidth": 5,
        "aspectRatioHeight": 4,
        "imagePercentage": 0.52
    "captureResolution": {
        "width": 1280,
        "height": 720
Status Codes:

200 Response schema:

Name Type Description
x number X coordinate for the upper left corner of the rectangle.
y number Y coordinate for the upper left corner of the rectangle.
width number Width of the rectangle.
height number Height of the rectangle.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

    "x": 253,
    "y": 50,
    "width": 773,
    "height": 619

400 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code indicating what is wrong with the submitted JSON. Values: -1 - Unknown Error, -2 - Invalid input JSON, -3 - Missing a mandatory field, -4 - Field has wrong type, -5 - Invalid base64 string, -6 - Invalid value, -7 - Invalid image data, -8 - Invalid image size
   description string A description of the error.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": -2,
        "description": "The request was not a valid JSON."

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code. See table below.
   description string Error description.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": "-1",
        "description": "The functionality requested is not supported."


Version of the Knomi DocumentAnalyzer Server

GET /version

Version of the Knomi DocumentAnalyzer Server

Retrieve the version of the Knomi DocumentAnalyzer server.

Status Codes:

200 Response schema:


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

Aware KnomiDocumentAnalyzer Library, version 1.0 r170000

500 Response schema:

Name Type Description
error object  
   code integer Error code. See table below.
   description string Error description.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain

    "error": {
        "code": "-1",
        "description": "The functionality requested is not supported."

Structure Reference

autocaptureDocumentRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
workflow workflow  
images (array of objects) An array of image objects that contain image data that has been base64 encoded.
   data string A base64 encoded image.

autocaptureDocumentEncryptedRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
key string Encrypted request ‘key’ value.
iv string Encrypted request ‘iv’ value.
p string Encrypted request ‘p’ value.

autocaptureDocumentResponse Model Structure

Name Type Description
results object Autocapture results for the submitted images.
   captured boolean True if the document has been found in one of the submitted images. False if the document was not found or was not correctly positioned.
   capturedImageIndex number If the captured element is true, this will be the index of the image where the document was found. If the captured element is false, this will be -1.
   imageResults (array of objects)  
      imageIndex integer Index indicating which image submitted generated these results.
      feedback string Feedback code generated by the analysis of the image. Values: DOCUMENT_FOUND - The document was found and is correctly positioned in this image., DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND - No document was detected in this image., TOO_FAR - The document was too far from the camera. Move the document closer to the camera., TOO_CLOSE - The document was too close to the camera. Move the document further away from the camera., TOO_BLURRY - The image was too blurry to correctly read the document. Stop moving the camera and bring the document into focus., OFF_ANGLE - The document is at an off angle from the camera. Correct the document so it is parallel to the camera., WRONG_DOCUMENT - The document is the incorrect type. Present the correct document.

getCaptureParametersRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
workflow workflow  

getCaptureParametersResponse Model Structure

Name Type Description
minimumResolution object  
   width number Minimum width necessary for submitted images to capture the specified document.
   height number Minimum height necessary for submitted images to capture the specifed document.

getCaptureRegionRequest Model Structure

Name Type Description
workflow workflow  
captureResolution object  
   width number Width of the incoming images to be used in autocapture.
   height number Height of the incoming images to be used in autocapture.

getCaptureRegionResponse Model Structure

Name Type Description
x number X coordinate for the upper left corner of the rectangle.
y number Y coordinate for the upper left corner of the rectangle.
width number Width of the rectangle.
height number Height of the rectangle.

workflow Model Structure

Settings for how to capture the document.

Name Type Description
documentType string Type of document to capture. Values: DRIVERS_LICENSE - A driver’s license, PASSPORT - A passport, TURKISH_TITLE_DEED - A Turkish Title Deed, CUSTOM - A custom document specified by the aspectRatioWidth, aspectRatioHeight, and imagePercentage parameters.
aspectRatioWidth integer The width portion of the desired document’s aspect ratio. Only usable with the CUSTOM document type.
aspectRatioHeight integer The height portion of the desired document’s aspect ratio. Only usable with the CUSTOM document type.
imagePercentage number The percentage of the image that the document needs to occupy to be captured. Specified as a double between 0.0 and 1.0. When specifying large percentages, the aspect ratio specified will be maintained within the bounds of the image. Only usable with the CUSTOM document type.

400Error Model Structure

Name Type Description
code integer Error code indicating what is wrong with the submitted JSON. Values: -1 - Unknown Error, -2 - Invalid input JSON, -3 - Missing a mandatory field, -4 - Field has wrong type, -5 - Invalid base64 string, -6 - Invalid value, -7 - Invalid image data, -8 - Invalid image size
description string A description of the error.

500Error Model Structure

Name Type Description
code integer Error code. See table below.
description string Error description.